As we start a new year

Olutoki John
3 min readJan 4, 2022

I am going to start with the words of Brad Paisley: “tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book; write a good one”.

As the euphoria of the holidays wears off, and 2022 becomes a reality, we must make a concerted effort to complete all of our goals for the year while also remaining consistent.

Setting New Year’s resolutions isn’t enough if we don’t follow through with the consistency required to achieve everything we set out to do. As we all know, consistency is key, and it takes consistency to achieve what we set out to achieve. Nothing is too difficult to achieve, and we should not let fear of the unknown stop us from attempting anything. As Goodrich says, “life is just repeated attempts at trying to do better.” A lot of people find it hard to keep their resolutions because of the way they go about it. Some see themselves as a completely different person, which is a huge mistake, and when the old habits they’re trying to stop start popping up, they struggle to keep up with their plans. Secondly, some don’t have plans on how to keep up with their plans.

In order to achieve our plans, there are some rules I feel we can follow that I feel make keeping up so easy. These rules include: understanding yourself,

· Making them achievable.

· Eat the frog

· Have some downtime, and to name a few things.

Plans we make shouldn’t just be in our careers but also in all facets of our lives. We should:

· Go out more (see outside)

· Make more friends; there are lots of great people out there that can help us actualize our set goals faster. We shouldn’t live in isolation. Life should be enjoyed, not endured.

· Have a schedule to help stay on task, achieve more, have an organized day, and stay positive, which can help you feel happy, which then spreads to others, so they can feel that same happiness.

· Pick up new habits. It may be something you’ve always seen and admired in other people, and try to be consistent at it too.

· Save for a dream car, vacations, and a variety of other things.

There is this quote from Hilary Cooper that I love a lot. It says, “Life isn’t measured by time but by moments that take our breath away.” It resonates with me in so many ways because it symbolizes the quality of life each of us lives as individuals. Little changes can affect those around us positively, so let us choose wisely. Whatever approach we prefer, it’s always good to start the New Year feeling refreshed, energized, and focused so we can be ready to face the year ahead. Welcome to 2022 and cheers to better days ahead.

